Rvieira Profile

I love travelling and I don't miss an opportunity to meet different countries, cultures, world heirtage sites (more recently) and gastronomy.


I've been to 138 countries (November/2022) and I am looking forward to continue this travel through the World.


Visited Sites Rvieira

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed

Recent Reviews Rvieira

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Recently Visited WHS

Update 25.10.22
Rating Stats
Angkor 5
Bagan 5
Byblos 5
Cuzco 5
Iguacu 5
Macao 5
Mostar 5
Olinda 5
Petra 5
Rome 5
Timgad 5
Avignon 4.5
Babylon 4.5
Belem 4.5
Brugge 4.5
Djémila 4.5
Hatra 4.5
Kraków 4.5
Matera 4.5
Mérida 4.5
Oporto 4.5
Paphos 4.5
Potosi 4.5
Prague 4.5
Sabratha 4.5
Salzburg 4.5
Samarra 4.5
Tallinn 4.5
Valletta 4.5
Vilnius 4.5
Copán 4
Hegra 4
Konso 4
Kotor 4
Quito 4
Sintra 4
Split 4
Tiya 4
Warsaw 4
Budapest 3.5
Butrint 3.5
Caceres 3.5
Epidaurus 3.5
Evora 3.5
Lima 3.5
Mafra 3.5
Naples 3.5
Nice 3.5
Pearling 3.5
Puebla 3.5
Rabat 3.5
Riga 3.5
Taxila 3.5
Tequila 3.5
Uxmal 3.5
Verona 3.5
Ashur 3
Djoudj 3
Elvas 2.5

Reviewed TWHS